What We Believe

Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and the only Saviour from sin.

Jesus Christ is the Healer of the body through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the Baptiser with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the Soon Coming King.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Meet The Pastoral Team

Pst & Wife

Shepherd & Linda Masango


Youth pastor & wife

Khama & Christiana Chilala

Youth Leader

Message from Pastor Shepherd Masango

Dear You
We have designed this website with YOU in mind. The Potter’s House Dublin Church is part of a worldwide fellowship of churches (around 2,000). The church here in Dublin has a regular core of believers and is making a tangible impact on the community.

We are seeking to do the will of God to reach out to the lost and through God’s grace desiring that people come to know Christ and can realise God’s destiny for your life!

You may be someone that’s wondering whether or not your life counts, and for what purpose, Maybe you’ve just experienced another broken relationship and wondering, “does anyone really care?” OR “what is love anyway?”

Perhaps you are relocating to Dublin and are looking for an evangelistic church?, Whatever your reasons, we have summarised on these pages, who we are, what we are all about and how you can contact us if you want to get involved.
However, to truly experience God’s transforming power, there is no replacement to visiting one of our services .
We pray we see you soon!!

Pastor Shepherd Masango

Our Vision

1. Evangelism

We emphasize sharing the Good News of Jesus through personal evangelism and a large variety of outreaches.
2. Conversion

2. Conversion

We witness, testify and preach for a decision because the Gospel has the power to save and transform lives.
3. The Local Church

3. The Local Church

God’s will is accomplished in us and through us as we connect and commit ourselves to a local church.
4. Discipleship

4. Discipleship

The highest calling of a Pastor and church is to obey God’s calling to make disciples in all the nations.
5. Church Planting

5. Church Planting

Disciples are raised up so that they can be released into surrounding cities and countries to reproduce our vision.
6. World Evangelism

6. World Evangelism

Our job as believers and thechurch is to pray, train, invest, send and support workers to go into all the world!